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Introduction to Literature - PAQsoft Education "English Language"

Introduction to literature - PAQsoft Education

prose refers to extended narrative of fiction in ordinary spoken language without any Pmetrical structure.Prose differs from poetry in several ways.

1. While prose is very elaborate in ters of the use of words, poetry tries to condense and economize the use of words even though both may be speaking on the same issue.
2. Prose is written in sentences and chapters while poetry is structured in lines and stanzas.
3. Prose is normally read in low tones while poetry is recited.

Prose as a literary genre, is divided into fiction and non-fiction

Fictional prose refers to an imaginary narrative. Its main emphasis is on the representation of human life in the narration. The term "fiction" is used interchangeably with "novel" even though this may not always apply.


1. Allegory
This refers to a novel or story in which the characters are used as symbols. Usually, a second meaning is to be read beneath the surface meaning. In an allegory, characters are made to represent certain people or ideas in society. Examples include; The Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan and Idylls of the King.

2. Epistolary
This refers to a novel written by the compilation of letters. This type of fiction was widely accepted in the 18th century. Examples are Pamella (1740) and Clarissa (1748) by Samuel Richardson.

3. Fable
This refers to stories that have a basic intent of teaching a moral and usually has animal characters. An example is The Old Man and Death.

4. Romantic Fiction
This is a story about wild and usually improbable adventures. Examples include; Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels and Moris' Earthly Paradise etc.
Non-Fictional prose deals with issues from a real rather than an imaginary point of view.

1. Autobiographical Novel
This is a novel which tells the story of the author's own life. In such novels the novelist focuses on the events of his own life. The "I" - narrative technique is normally adopted to tell the story of an autobiography. A typical example is Black Boy, by Richard Wright.

2. Biographical novels
This also tells the story of the life of a different person other than the author himself. Such novels are usually written from the third-person point of view.

3. Memoir
This is a story or novel, which captures important historical events which the author has been part of. These important historical events may include: the attainment

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