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What is IT?(Information Technology)

What is IT?
IT (Information Technology)
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The term Information Technology refers to an entire field that uses computers, networking,software, and other equipment to manage information electronically in a digital form.Consider an IT department in an organization.

They are equipped with computers, database Management Systems, servers, and security mechanisms for storing, processing, retrieving,and protecting information available with the organization.

You might have heard about the professionals working in such department of a company like system administrators, database administrators, programmers, IT managers, network engineers. If it is a business organization, they all work together to provide services such as providing information, providing tools to improve the productivity, automating the business processes, and providing means for connect with customers.

Therefore, in the modern world, IT is an essential part of all of business operations. UNESCO considered Information Technology as “Scientific, technological and engineering disciplines and management techniques used in information handling and processing, their application, computers and their interaction with men and machines, and associated social, economic and cultural matters”. Accordingly, a fair knowledge in IT has become an essential qualification to work successfully in almost all organizations in the country.
source...Open University of Sri Lanka

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